Tree planting at Hope Wood continues apace. If you’d like to be involved, please see the information below from ParkLife – the organisation contracted by South Hams District Council to arrange the tree planting sessions:
With your help we’ll be doing two things by the end of March:
- Planting the rest of the trees and shrubs – a mix of native trees (such as alder, aspen, birch, rowan, cherry and willow) and a range of native shrubs (including hazel, blackthorn, elder, hawthorn and spindle). These will be mixed between the oak circles that we planted on the 4th January.
- Putting wool mulch mats around the trees and shrubs to limit grass growth and give them the best chance of establishing well.
We need your continued help. You can do this in two ways:
- Join our Planting Days. Turn up on Friday or Saturday mornings from 10.00 onwards starting on Friday 31st Jan and Saturday February 1st. Please just turn up with wellies, waterproofs, spades, lump hammer, snacks and a warm drink. We’ll signpost the wood from Palstone Park Recreation Ground (where you need to leave any cars) if you haven’t been before. These planting days will run through until the end of March (unless we’ve planted it all by then).
- Join the team of Hope Wood Volunteers who will help lead the days and help with preparation and follow up – ensuring trees and materials are on site and in place ready for the Friday and Saturday planting days. You can assist with as many, or as few, days as you want, but it will help if we can have 4 or 5 Volunteers available to support each planting day. You’ll get clear instruction and support with the preparation and on the planting days. If you want to become a Hope Wood Volunteer please send your details to