Wild Devon – Brent Birders talk by Peter Burgess
24 October @ 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm BST
Thursday 24 October 2024: Meeting/talk organised by Brent Birders at 7:30pm in the Old School Community Centre.
Peter Burgess will speak on ‘Wilder Devon’.
Peter Burgess is Director of Nature Recovery for Devon Wildlife Trust and has spent over 18 years working in the conservation sector in Devon, with diverse experience developing and delivering conservation and land management projects in the South West, including the Greater Horseshoe Bat Project in 1999, Butterfly Conservation, and DWT’s landscape scale conservation of Culm grassland.
Refreshments in the interval.
Please note, Brent Birders have an updated website: https://brentbirders.wixsite.com/brent-bird-survey, where you can see all the details of the Brent Bird Survey including a celebratory 10-year summary download.
FFI contact Mike Goss on mikegoss1944@gmail.com or Peter Reay on peter.p.j.reay@btinternet.com.
NB. This is not an SSB event. It is organised by Brent Birders.