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Improve your skills with Computers and Smart Phones: Sessions on selected Thursday evenings only (dates for autumn 2019 below) between 7pm and 9pm at the Beacon Room in the Old School Community Centre. To ensure a place, if you wish to attend you will need to book a place, details below. Come to just one session or as many as you need; Don’t miss this opportunity! Bring your computer/phone – Bring your questions. Explore, play, discover and build your confidence with trainers on hand to help you solve your problems and answer your questions. For all levels – beginners to experienced users.
Our sessions are advertised as free but we always put a donation plate out. Volunteers give their time for free and donations cover room hire with any excess given to local charities so if you feel you’ve appreciated the support any donation will be gratefully accepted and will go to a local good cause.
To book a place direct click on the date link below and fill in your name on the table that opens in a new tab.
If this is not working for you, email Steve on the address below the dates.
30th Jan 2020 – IT Support Session
13th Feb 2020 – IT Support Session
5th March 2020 – IT Support Session
26th March 2020 – IT Support Session
Questions or book a place – email Steve at or call him on 01364-73490.
These sessions are a continuation of the SSB Social Media Training Project funded through a successful application to ‘Awards for All’.
These are not structured “lessons” and will not be on any particular topic. Our approach will be: try it yourself – ask for help – we give you pointers – we show you how.
Where are the sessions held?
The sessions will be held at the Old School Community Centre in South Brent. Click here to visit the centre’s web site and click here for directions.
Do I need to book or can I just turn up?
You will need to book a place now. We only have a few trainers so we have had to limit places.
How do I book?
Either click on the date links above and add your name or email Steve on
How much do they cost?
They are free, although we welcome any donations which go towards room hire with any excess going to local charities.
I have a question that isn’t answered here
Email us on or (if you do not have access to a computer) call on 01364 73490
Could you help others to use computers and smart phones
We urgently need more trainers – please consider helping
Is this you?
- You use computers and a smart phone
- When you’re stuck, you look things up on Google
- You’re willing to help others one evening a month
Come and be one of a team of 3 or 4. You’ll wander round the room and help people when they’re stuck – usually with an “I don’t know … let’s look that up together”. Call me to have a chat on 01364-73490, email or come to a session and see what it’s like. “This is a fantastic service to have in the village” … help us keep it going!
Our History
I.T. skills sessions started in October 2015 after SSB raised funds through the “Big Lottery Awards for All” scheme to offer free computer training within the village. We spent £870 for 13 events, covering: the Basics, Facebook (for individuals and for businesses), the Internet & email, Skype and three Q&A drop in sessions.
We had 86 attendees (50 different people) and 176 ‘person hours’ of training delivered. These sessions are all about promoting confidence and self-sufficiency, and we focus on people finding out and trying things themselves.
Following on from this success, SSB provided another £1500 for us to run a further 7 “bring your questions” sessions.
In April 2017 a further series of fortnightly free sessions have been taking place.
We have between 2 and 4 trainers at each session. People bring their laptops and phones and start working on something. If and when they get stuck, they put a green or red flag over their name card, so that the trainers can always see who needs help in the room.
When a trainer gets to them they offer a hint or suggest an internet search and then leave them to try it out.
I have been so pleased (and occasionally surprised!) to see how often, when we come back to them, we’re met with a broad grin and a “I’ve done it!”.