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House Martins, Swifts and Swallows in Devon

14 March, 2024 @ 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm GMT

Thursday 14 March 2024: House Martins, Swifts and Swallows in Devon at 7.30pm in the Village Hall:

What can we do to help them thrive?

An evening with renowned TV naturalist, ecologist, artist and speaker, John Walters and Jerry Horn of Dawlish Swifts. Join them as they share their knowledge about House Martins, Swifts and Swallows and their experience of providing homes across Devon for these beautiful birds.

Organised by Sustainable South Brent. Book your ticket for the evening in advance (£10/£5/free) via Eventbrite – https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/house-martins-swifts-and-swallows-in-devon-talk-tickets-818398851997



Swifts-in-South-Brent initiative: There are exciting plans afoot (a-wing!?) to help our local Swift population. SSB’s Young Ambassadors, working alongside: Brent Birders; Devon Birds’ nest-boxes in churches initiatives; Dawlish Swifts and others, are working on an initiative to improve the situation, seeking available local knowledge, identifying sites, adding them to the RSPB’s Swift Mapper, building nest boxes (Dartside Explorer Scouts); distributing boxes to approved sites, installing boxes and spreading the word.

If you would like a free Swift nest box for your house or outbuilding, see: https://ssb.org.uk/helping-our-swifts-to-soar-2/.


14 March, 2024
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm GMT
Event Categories:


Hayden Gabriel


South Brent Village Hall
Station Approach
South Brent, Devon TQ10 9PJ United Kingdom
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