Sustainable South Brent (SSB) has an increasing number of emerging projects, all of which require varying levels of financial support. As a consequence, a change is being introduced to the way in which our Sustainability Fund operates. From November 2024 – other than at trustees’ discretion – all funds will be allocated to new SSB projects, rather than to those from other groups.
Applications can still be made by other groups and will be considered by trustees at the next available monthly board meeting, but please be aware that increasing activity within the charity means that less funding is available to support external activity.
SSB will consider projects that typically fall into one of more of the following.
- Food – local production and promotion
- Energy – saving energy and generating low carbon energy
- Water – conservation and recycling
- Transport – public transport, lift-sharing, cycling and walking
- Housing – low energy, affordable housing for local needs
- Environment – enhancing biodiversity, promoting sustainable land management
- Wellbeing – health, community cohesion and resilience
- Waste – reduce, re-use and re-cycle
Who can apply?
Groups and organisations undertaking projects for the benefit of South Brent and environs.
How much can be applied for?
Grants should be for a minimum of £500
How will applications be assessed?
- Trustees will assess applications against the local benefits predicted.
- The proposed project should have a practical, measureable, outcome.
- Priority will be given to the extent to which the applicant can draw additional funding from outside the Parish.
- Grants may also be made to cover initial start-up costs necessary to lead to a practical outcome.
- Trustees are unlikely to approve applications for running costs.
The amount of funding available will depend on income generated at the Marsh.
When can I make an application?
At any time – applications will be considered at the Trustee’s monthly meeting following receipt, subject to two weeks having elapsed since receipt. Please note that there is no Trustee meeting in August.
How do I apply?
Collect an information sheet and application form at either from The Old School Community Centre SSB Noticeboard, Artworks, Station Road, or download FROM HERE and return it to The Secretary at the address specified on the form: